

Hey, I’m JoeZhao, a software engineer, and a gamer.

iperf Bandwidth Performance Testing Tool

Remote host (server): Ubuntu 18.04
Local host (client): Mac (installed HomeBrew)

Reason: Because our local machine cannot be accessed by external machines, the server can only be hosted by external machines, without affecting the performance test results.


Actually, the installation is very simple, just need to configure the environment.

Ubuntu installation:

$ sudo apt install iperf3

Mac installation:

$ brew install iperf3

That's it, the server and client only need to configure different parameters.



$ iperf3 -s -i 2


$ iperf3 -c -i 2

If you want to test the upload speed, then add -R when executing the client, like this:

$ iperf3 -c -i 2 -R

Parameter Description#

Common parameters:

  • -p, --port [PORT], the port number that the server listens on and the client connects to;
  • -f, --format [TYPE], the unit of data used in the report, Kbits, Mbits, KBytes, Mbytes;
  • -i, --interval [TIME], the interval between each report, in seconds;
  • -F, --file [NAME], the file name used for testing. If used on the client side, the file is sent for testing; if used on the server side, the data is written to the file instead of being discarded;
  • -A, --affinity n/n,m, set CPU affinity;
  • -B, --bind, bind to the specified network interface;
  • -V, --verbose, output more details at runtime;
  • -J, --json, output results in JSON format at runtime;
  • --logfile f, output to file;
  • -d, --debug, output results in debug mode;
  • -v, --version, display version information and exit;
  • -h, --help, display help information and exit.

Server-side parameters:

  • -s, --server, run in server mode;
  • -D, --daemon, run in the background as a daemon;
  • -I, --pidfile [FILE], specify the pid file;
  • -1, --one-off, only accept 1 test from the client side, then exit.

Client-side parameters:

  • -c, --client, run in client mode and specify the address of the server side;
  • -u, --udp, perform the test using the UDP protocol;
  • -b, --bandwidth [TYPE], limit the test bandwidth. UDP defaults to 1Mbit/second, TCP has no limit by default;
  • -t, --time [TIME], perform the test until the specified time, default is 10 seconds;
  • -n, --bytes [TYPE], perform the test until the specified amount of data is transferred;
  • -k, --blockcount [TYPE], perform the test until the specified number of data packets are transferred;
  • -l, --len [TYPE], the length of the read/write buffer, TCP defaults to 128K, UDP defaults to 8K;
  • --cport, specify the TCP or UDP port used by the client, default is a temporary port;
  • -P, --parallel, test with multiple concurrent data streams;
  • -R, --reverse, run in reverse mode (server sends, client receives);
  • -w, --window [TYPE], set the socket buffer size, window size in TCP mode;
  • -C, --congestion, set the TCP congestion control algorithm (only supported on Linux and FreeBSD);
  • -M, --set-mss, set the maximum segment size (MSS) for TCP/SCTP (MTU minus 40 bytes);
  • -N, --no-delay, set TCP/SCTP no delay, disable Nagle's algorithm;
  • -4, --version4, use only IPv4;
  • -6, --version6, use only IPv6;
  • -S, --tos N, set the IP type of service (TOS);
  • -L, --flowlabel N, set the IPv6 flow label (only supported on Linux);
  • -Z, --zerocopy, send data using "zero copy" method;
  • -O, --omit N, ignore the first n seconds of the test;
  • -T, --title str, set the prefix for each line of test results;
  • --get-server-output, get test results from the server side;
  • --udp-counters-64bit, use 64-bit counters in UDP test packets (to prevent counter overflow)

In actual use, there is no need for so many parameters, you can look them up yourself.



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